January Fairy of the Month

January Fairy of the Month

The January Fairy of the Month is Elsa.

Elsa is happy she has the same name as the princess from the movie Frozen and they share a love of blue as well.

Fairy Elsa is from the Highlands and her element is Water – which is just one reason she loves the color blue.

Her favorite bird is the Mockingbird and, like the songbird, Elsa has a beautiful singing voice. She says “I love singing lullabies to both animal and human babies.”

Elsa loves to spend time with her sisters Winter and Frosti.

Trio of Fae Folk Blue Fairies


The three are pictured together here after recently gathering with the Fae Folk for the Winter Solstice.


Elsa enjoys the winter months and wishes you all a Happy New Year.
May the coming year bring you all as much happiness as the Fae Folk enjoy.






Click here to purchase Elsa 

Fae Folk Fairy Elsa

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